Newest 'webcam' Questions - Stack Overflow Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers ... I need to use a few of the VideoCapture::set() options for openCV. They are here; But I cannot ...
real time video processing with android openCV - Stack Overflow no idea if this task actually needs opencv ( might be a bit of overkill ) but if you opt for that, its fairly easy. see all we do here is record frames continuously, and toggle between realtime/playback mode on some event (onTouch for simplicity here): pa
OpenCV on Raspberry Pi | Let's Make Robots! At Let's Make Robots, you can share your homemade robots with the world. Share your cool ideas and stunning designs here or see the clever inventions of others ... I've thought about adding an rpi to my hexapod. Since I have all the hardware and my new ch
Face tracking with Arduino, Processing and OpenCV | Let's Make Robots! I can't remember hearing of the inverse square law before I'll definetly have to look into that. I found with my method is that it seemed to lose its accuracy the further away I got, although openCV was still able to track my face quite well at distances
OpenCV Eye Tracking with C# - Prodigy Productions, LLC - Learn software development, computer vision OpenCV Eye Tracking with C# - A while back, I wrote a few articles about using OpenCV with C#. One of those articles was titled “OpenCV Eye Tracking with C#”. However, I ha...
OPENCV: STEREO CAMERA CALIBRATION | Martin Peris' Blog And thats pretty much it, now you know how to calculate 3D positions from 2 images using OpenCV. How to find interest points in one image and its correspondent on the other is an art that will be explained another day ;) EDIT [2011/06/16]: Many people ask
c++ - OpenCV saving video to file - Stack Overflow ... but I'm writing this code in OpenCV to simply capture video data from the webcam and save it to file.
OpenCV record both Webcam and Audio - Stack Overflow To start, check: How to write a video file with OpenCV? PortAudio Wiki, which has a great tutorial on how to ...
Source Code Corner» Save video from webcam with OpenCV 2.1 12 Dec 2010 ... All the new API is put into "cv" namespace. using namespace cv;. int main ( int argc, char *argv[]).
Write Image & Video to File - OpenCV Tutorial C++ - Blogger ... it using Winrar or other suitable software) Here is how I record my video from my webcam and save to a file in D drive ...